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Parker Sinclair

author : Parker Sinclair

Ms. Sinclair is an Amazon best-selling fantasy author with books crossing into YA epic fantasy, NA Urban fantasy, paranormal romance, mystery, suspense, and Sci-fi genres. \n\nParker gives credit to the development of her imagination and passion for writing to multiple childhood destinations lacking indoor plumbing. It may sound odd, yet when your journey to adulthood consists of numerous backpacking, camping, and hiking trips to the most out-of-the-way and breathtakingly beautiful places in North America, the creation of games, worlds, and characters are the results. She would never trade the childhood her parents gave her, and she thanks them for raising her to have her own thoughts, dreams, and bountiful imagination. Oh and she wishes to thank them for teaching her that one should never leave their jeans on the floor of an everglades campground shower—lest they do the dance of the scorpions in the pants again!\n\nWhile attending college, Ms. Sinclair studied biological sciences and psychology, specifically animal behavior, but her love has forever been to write. There are boxes in her house filled with notebooks, journals, and logs with poems, stories, lyrics, and personal rants scratched into them with pencil, marker, pen, whatever she could get her hands on. Words demanded to be thrown out of her mind and onto paper by any means necessary. Ms. Sinclair’s studies have contributed greatly to the worlds, characters, and stories she creates, proving that no matter what path you take, it will all be part of where you end up—sometimes in spectacular ways!\n\nSince 2007, Ms. Sinclair calls Virginia Beach home where she is employed as a full-time writer, is a licensed educational counselor, and finds some of the best times to write late into the night after her kiddos, and in many cases, her husband, are fast asleep. \n\nStay up to date with Parker's books by joining her newsletter and get a FREE ebook!\nCheck out her website today:, \nblog\nParker Sinclair Books on Facebook, Instagram: Parker Sinclair Author, Twitter: Parker_Sinclair\n\nFans of Ms. Sinclair's books have also enjoyed The Princess Bride, Stardust, The Hollow's series by Kim Harrison, Jeaniene Frost, Kelley Armstrong, Terry Brooks, The Magician's, Patrick Rothfuss, Fifty Shades of Grey, Cecy Robson, His Dark Materials, Harry Potter, Fifty Shade of Grey, \u0026amp; Twilight.\n

Parker Sinclair Book Series